quarta-feira, 9 de julho de 2014

Today Presentations - 09-07-2014

Hello everyone!

Portuguese and Slovaks

Portuguese and Germans

2nd day of presentations and the fascination for new learning does not stop growing!
After the last cultural night of yesterday (peer Slovaks and Germans), the day began with an interesting presentation of Thomas - "Can you hear me??? - using online conference systems in education".
We were asked what we thought of digital resources: words that came to mind? Our group suggested several: easy, proximity, mobility, share, construction of new identities, writing, knowledge, speed, relationships, e-learning, b-learning.
Leveraging the phrase "You cannot not communicate" (Paul Watzlawick).


Anna Krekeler, from Germany, gave a presentation with the title "Challenges and Opportunities of Web 2.0 supported, conception based civic education".
Foi abordado o interessante tema do E-portefolio, através da criação de um Logbook (desafios e oportunidades). O debate que se seguiu foi, também, muito interessante.

The last but not the least, Niklas Berend and Tim Riplinger made a presentation with the title "Tablets in Education - Theories, Project, Experiences".
It was a very dynamic presentation and group work was particularly interesting...the dream team below, working the theme "Steve Jobs School!!!

The remaining groups developed themes such us: constructivism, connectivism, learning in 21st century, horizon report, why tablets.
They also presented results of a tablet project in Germany!
Niklas and Tim
Great day for new learning!

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